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Mixed League Play Information



FALL 2024


TANTRAMAR PICKLEBALL will host a Mixed Doubles Competitive League beginning in early September 2024.  This document provides an outline of league play.


1.       The league will be a mixed (1 M & 1 F) doubles team entry.  Teams will be formed by players and entered into the league as a team.  There will be no controls for age or skill rating.


2.       There will be no limit on the number of teams that may enter.  It is likely, however, that the league would not be viable with less than 4 teams. 


3.       Teams will pay an entry fee of $40 per team, with all entry fees to be returned in cash prizes to the first, second, third and fourth place teams.  The organizers do not anticipate any expenses other than the prizes.  The actual prize distribution will be settled once the number of entrants is known. 


4.       Play will take place at our outdoor courts at the Bill Johnstone Memorial Park on 6 Sundays during the fall, starting in late afternoon.  In the case of rainouts, play will be re-scheduled by the organizers.


5.       Each scheduled day of play will constitute a round robin.  Assuming 8 teams, then each team would play 7 games to 15 with rally scoring, win by 2.  We will adjust depending on the number of teams. 


6.       Logan will act as registrar and scorekeeper.  If you want to enter, send the names of your team members to Logan at  Then, e-transfer the $40 entry fee to  Entries must be received, and payment transferred, on or before August 1st. 


7.       If you would like to play in the league on occasion, but not as an entered team, then sign up for the spares list.  Send your name to Logan at his email address and a spares list will be created. There is no fee to register as a spare.


8.       Rally scoring to 15, win by 2, will be used.  Scoring points will be awarded as follows.  Any team reaching 10 points in a game will receive 1 point.  The team ultimately winning the game will receive a second point.  Rally scoring will be frozen at 14 – when your team reaches 14 then all further points must be scored on your serve.


9.       Scoring over the 6 weeks of play will be totalled to determine final standings.  If there are ties for first, second, third or fourth place, then playoffs will be held to determine final placement.  The format for playoffs will be decided by the organizers.


10.   If players are unavailable for a particular game day, then spares may be recruited.  It will be up to the unavailable team to recruit their spares and advise the organizers.  There will be no postponements (other than postponements for weather at the discretion of the organizers).  If a team is unavailable and cannot recruit spares, then their games will be forfeited and opposing teams will be awarded 2 points. 


11.   Prior to each game, a coin will be tossed.  The team winning the toss will choose to serve or receive.  The game will be initiated through first serve from the fence end of the court.  All games will switch ends at 8 to allow for differences in wind and sun.  No exceptions.


12.   The organizers will create a dedicated tournament web presence as a menu option at  This will include cumulative standings over the six weeks of play, maybe some photos, notices of postponements, rain dates and the like.


13.   Following are proposed game days (all are Sundays), and all play will start in the late afternoon.  Actual start times will be communicated by the organizers after registration closes. 


September 8

September 15

September 22

September 29

October 6

October 20


The league is organized by Paul, Magi, Frank, Josh and Logan.  If you have questions, send them along to and Logan will either answer or refer you to one of the others.


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