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Special Notice from Your Committee

Hi Again,


Here are some issues from our committee meeting on Friday, Nov 1st.



We have decided to create an Equipment Fund to help the Town in supplying the necessary Balls and Nets.  We are now going through pickleballs more quickly, and some nets are getting a bit rough looking.  We collected for a net replacement a while ago and the response was fantastic – thank you all!   We ask everyone to consider donating something to help this separate fund grow enough so we won’t have to go to the Town unless there is a major issue in need of some help.  To this end, please donate something by passing it along to one of your committee members (Listed below).  This money is separate from the daily fee of $2 and must NOT be placed in the jar – this would create a bit of a nightmare for Pam – all of the jar money is passed over to the Town to help offset the rental cost of the gym.  We are so fortunate to have such a low gym fee, and we don’t want to fool this process up.


There are some issues with our online store.  There have been problems with the clothing supplier, and some changes to the requirements for buying Bottles.  We have decided to suspend any consideration of a Store Section on the website and may revisit it in the new year.


This was discussed and we decided to abandon it.  There are many on-line options for folks to sell/trade items without our website including a similar section.  It would be troublesome and not necessary.


We had a lot of discussion regarding the level  of play we have in our group.  ALL members have really improved his/her play during this past year – it is quite noticeable – congrats to everyone.  One area that must not be overlooked by anyone is the great way our group is inclusive, and that we do our best to mix and play together, regardless of skill level.  The League Play has brought out the competitive nature in all the participants – great – but keep in mind that many others enjoy the games for exercise and fun and may not be as interested in the really competitive games.  We all play to win but keep aggressive play in check when appropriate to do so.


We are working on a Social Gathering for everyone which will include the awarding of the prizes to the League Play winners.  It will likely be on Friday, Nov 15th right after our pickleball session at MtA, and will be held in the upstairs room.  This is not definite yet, but we should be able to provide the details during this coming week.



Committee: Paul Vokey, Logan Atkinson, Frank Oulton, Magi Beaton, Josh Kurek


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