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Thursday, March 13th @ MTA

We had about 27 players coming and going throughout the morning and when I left at 12:20 there were still 2 games in play.  It was a great day of play with a lot of fun on the courts.  We were glad to welcome, Malcolm, Matt's brother visiting from Vancouver, Kalin and Rebecca, who have played outside on occasion with our group, but never in the Mt. A gym and Brett, who is Jane's husband.  Jane, Dawn's sister, almost always plays when she visits home from Halifax, so it's about time she brought hubby along.  

Today was a first for me.  I actually had a fan come to watch and she stayed there whole time and watched my every game.  It was quite a thrill for me.  I was curious why she was still there after I left and found out she was Matt & Malcolm's mom, what a coincidence. Anyway, she lives in Sackville and I encouraged her to come and join us on the courts, I'm sure I will have other fans to take her place.

Our next play is Friday at 1PM at Mt. A. and then Monday at 7:30 at Salem Elementary....Pam


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