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Friday, January 10th @ MTA gym

Hi All,

We had about 30 players out today and we used 6 courts.  It was good to see our Mt. A students back with their game on.  

We had a first for our pickleball group today.  jill, Kate & jeff were called to a fire and had to leave, but as luck would have it, it was a false alarm so they returned to play.  Thank you guys for your service as volunteer fire fighters! 


I have been known to grumble a little (some would say a lot)about players forgetting to pay their toonies.  More than one have occasionally rolled their eyes while I shake the jar as a little reminder, and give THE LOOK to those who tell me they forgot to pay, but promise to bring their money next time.  Today I counted more money than I was expecting (even accounting for the late payers).  So I started grumbling again (welcome to Paul's world!).  If you think you may have accidently overpaid let me know, otherwise it will be deposited it to the Town as usual.  

I can't report on any specific games, even the ones I played in, because I never remember who played, who won or what the score was.  Paul and Mona take notes when they are the reporters.  I would too, if I knew how to use this blasted smart phone that I have.  But just remember that I never forget who shot that ball past me down the line.  Gerry and Charlie....I'm coming for you!!

It was so good to see so many out to play and enjoying themselves on the courts as well as socializing on the benches. A shout out to Eldon - he is planning to get back to play when he is feeling better.  We hope that will be soon, because he is missed.

Our next play is at Salem Elem. Monday at 7:30 and then at Mt. A on Tuesday at 9AM.


P.S. A water bottle was left behind.  Ti is multi-colored with a blue rubber ring attached to it. I'll bring it along next Tuesday.



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