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Monday, January 27th @ Salem

Hi All,

We had 10 players out tonight and the play was fast and exciting.  Kirk was up to his old tricks and returned a ball by hitting it from between his legs.  That's a feat Brent has been trying to master for years. 

Fred joined us from Amherst and brought along a player that's new to our group.  Karen has just been playing since September, but she fit right in and can make some great shots.  Welcome aboard, Karen.  We hope you'll be a regular.  Karen is still working so she doesn't have the luxury of trying out our Mt. A. venue.  

Dawn is a regular at the evening sessions, but she couldn't make it tonight.  She had a fall while skating at the rink and hurt her elbow.  We wish you a speedy recovery, Dawn and we are looking forward to having you back at the game soon.  Jill and Kate were not there either, they are on a vacation down South.  I'm sure they'd rather be here playing pickleball, but what can you do? Have a great time anyway.

Our next play is Tuesday at the  Mt. A gym....Pam


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