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Tuesday, Feb 11th @ MTA

Hi All,


We had about 21 players out today braving the bitter cold to get in some pickleball time.  We set up at 9am and as Pam and I were leaving around 11:40am there were still two games going on, and I suspect that those two weren't the last ones for the day.  Tim is back with us again after travels abroad, welcome back!  He and Heather joined in a bit later in the session and got right into the fun. I had a game with Heather, and she played so well -  great job Heather!  Pamela is progressing at a fast pace and her enthusiasm and effort is fabulous to see – way to go girl!


Last night (Monday evening at Salem) had about 17 folks on the courts including a few new players.  I wasn't there but rumor has it that they are doing quite well and will be a real challenge – that's great to see!


We are very fortunate to have both of these facilities available – one is free and the other is only $2 – who could ask for more, A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO MATT, JESSICA, AND THE TOWN OF SACKVILLE  .  Also, we just received another batch of orange indoor balls, I picked them up from Matt today.  And we may have to purchase a couple of new bags for some of the nets – a few of them are in pretty bad shape.  If anyone (or anyone you know) is able to make repairs to these bags it would be a great help.  They need some zipper repairs and hole repairs.


That's it for now, we play again Wednesday evening at Salem, and then Thursday morning at MTA.


Take care,



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