Hi All,
Your Committee discussed at length the method we use for the rotation of players during our regular playing sessions. Several ways were brought up and discussed. The following is pretty much like we are doing now but needed a bit of clarification.
1) When there are three or more players waiting to play, we will stack the paddles in numbers of two (not four) and will continue stacking in two’s regardless of how many are waiting. NO MORE STACKING FOUR PADDLES
2) You are allowed to remain on the court for only 2 consecutive games – win or lose – so long as there is anyone waiting to play.
3) The winners stay and split but come off the courts once they have played two in a row.
4) The losers come off the court and place their paddles in the next available stack position. If either loser has only played one game and either winner has played two consecutive games, then the loser can stay and take the place of the exiting winner.
5) Once you come off the court, hold your paddle back until the waiting players have retrieved their paddles. Then place your paddle in the next available position.
6) If you step away from the courts or simply need a break – remove your paddle from the stack.
7) If you wish to play with the same partner, please limit that to only two times while people are waiting – it is important that ALL players get the opportunity to play with as many different folks as possible.
Please remember that we are all interested in having lots of fun games, and we want everyone to have equal opportunity to play as many games as time permits.
Making it fun for all!
Your Fabulous Committee!
Logan, Josh, Magi, Frank, Paul